Just. This. Here. Now.
Without knowing exactly what the feeling was, I felt myself consumed. It felt like an invisible weighted down lead filled coat that was impossible to take off! and it was alive!. Later to discover, after being prescribed Paxil, I was in the grips of a depression. Perhaps it popped its head in early in my life perhaps not, I wasn’t aware, but to my recollection September 1997 it was angry and rendered me paralyzed to the couch. Enough about that first encounter. It’s painful.
Since then I have learned how to live with it and actually give it its space whenever it decides to try and make itself at home, it almost feels like a possession of sorts. While it’s whipping its tail of procrastination and distraction I’m keeping myself busy (forcibly) it isn’t easy to move.
The outline above is my mantra, my retort to the depression, because guess what? LIFE GOES ON!!! I need to step on stage, throw some water on my face and rock on. So yeah DEPRESSION NEVER LOOKED THIS GOOD!
By the way I really like this throw up.